Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Graduation day....It's complicated....TvT

It's quite late for me to post this, but I still post it anyway...
Secondary school....This is where it all turning point....
way back when I was in primary school....I belonged to a more quiet type person...
don't know why....and I wished that I could change myself to a better person~
this wish cam true~thanks to my buddies and pals in Jit Sin~=D

F1~as quiet as always....that just stood till the beginning of the year...
thanks to my mom who encourage me to join KRS...I changed to a more alive person~braver...
that time...I felt that life is a really fun thing~haha!! Thanks to my buddies in KRS~ they'd shown me how to socialize myself~never regret in joining KRS~learned a lot...about friendship and truely felt what it is like to be a teenager!!

I'd met a lot of people throughout these 5 years....
I'm really lucky to know them~ and wanted to say thanks!! thanks fr accompanying me througout my high school years~
there's lots of fun~we played together....
we make fun of each other....
we helped each other.....we gossip together!!! Lot's of fond memories will lock inside my heart forever and always!!!

the moment we bid farewell, I didn't cry....why?
I don't know~but all I know is that I'll miss all of my friends...
people said that it's hard for us to have an everlasting friendship....
maybe it's true~ can a person remember his/her friend forever?
maybe some of my friends will forget me one day~
but I trust that when we meet together again, we'll have a feeling, there's a bond within us...
"Have I met you before?" our hearts will have this kind of question....what's the term for it?
oh yeah, It's resonance~

at here, I sincerely wished that all of my friends will have their wishes come true~
I'll always remember you, such a short sentence have such huge meaning....
friends~you'll be with me forever and always....

Friday, June 10, 2011

Starting to play Plurk!!

while on Facebook, Yuetong invited me to join Plurk...
I did hesitated for a while because scared that my account will end up like my Twitter account...
but I joined anyway...
and I found out that it's better than Twitter!!
and I'm into this thing!! Haha!! another web page for me to surf and kill time!!
Hopefully more friends can join and let's plurk together!!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Felt a bit loose in my holidays

another short post...
felt bored within this holidays...
nothing to do...well, there still left some work to do...
but those works ain't fun at all...

these days are a bit gloomy....
that's pretty good news for me because don't need to suffer hot temperatures...

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Holiday is going to

random and short post...
still left 4's gonna reopen...
-sigh- I don't wanna face those exam results...
just wanna have a stress free life in school...
chatting and playing with friends is nice...
and if studying without exams by your side is even better...
because I found out that competing is nothing but a bunch of nonsense...

these two week holidays....I spent most of my time in Penang...
thanks to Art Go Go camp~ I'd learnt a lot about designing!!
and I want a tablet even more!!
This holiday, my schedule is full of assignments....
still left the ICT scrapbook thing and add maths project...
and I found out that I'm really a sleeping machine...have my mom's genes after all~

Sunday, April 17, 2011

No Time To Prepare for the Mid-Term!!

Here's me again typing my feelings out...
felt guilty because I didn't study yesterday...
there's still things for me to do for KRS...
团讯...still left a few pages... my printer is out of ink and I'd totally forgotten about day camp's schedule....
回顾...still haven't touch a pen on writing other's personality...
anniversary....didn't do much....
yesterday morning just sat aside and watched others preparing their dances...
kinda waste my time...and I just wrote two nilam reports on that day and didn't touch my chemistry....yesterday felt guilty for playing around exam seasons...

but the party last night isn't that bad...
the food is nice...but I don't enjoy myself in games...maybe I felt tired??
reached home about 11.30pm...took a shower and went straight to bed...

this morning...watched TV in the morning....felt guilty again...
so I did my nilam reports while watching Kekkaishi...
didn't watch Bleach cause I have to done my work pronto!!
now...I'm done with my nilam reports...and searching for recipes on baking cupcakes...
guilty again...
many people will not attending tomorrow...hope my pals on the red team do...
cause I don't want to spend a day with loneliness...

till then....I need a cup of cola to satisfy my thirst...